

On this website, according to their claims, there are hundreds of thousands of human players, so why do they need non-subscribing players to mostly provide bots, which also have far greater power than their rating suggests?
@iizuzetan bots are for people who want to play against them. they have their own separate section. community>players>bots

you can never play a bot by creating a game or anything but challenging the bot directly. So what are you complaining about the fact lichess offer the option to play with bots?
It is open source and audited, on top secured by 2Fa and all the rest you wish to use to protect yourself,. I will log in Linux from tomorrow and let them grab any grasp on me. Bot's are on the other site..
Told them they expect me to pay on some 2nd grade built site?
@for_cryingout_loud said in #2:
> @iizuzetan bots are for people who want to play against them. they have their own separate section. community>players>bots
> you can never play a bot by creating a game or anything but challenging the bot directly. So what are you complaining about the fact lichess offer the option to play with bots?

I guess he mean malicious bot's.... there is a possibility but is eyed.