
Lichess going slow...

From about the past 40-50 minutes, lichess study is going very slow. Is this only for study because of the mongodb error or for the whole lichess?
Ps: My ping is bad, but others are also telling that lichess is going slow.
apparently they are making arrangements in the lichess studios because a few days ago they closed them, so I think it is normal that there are problems
@abhijato_chatterjee hahaha sorry, i meant "studies", i'm not a native english speaker, "studies" in spanish is "estudios" so my brain got confused and "studios" came out.
I meant that by the mongodb error. It showed that there is a mongodb bug so I think the studies are stored in mongodb.
Same here, it took several seconds per character to be processed while editing text in a study.
I can confirm that studies are for now very slow : writing a comment make more than 10s to appear in move list

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